Serratus Anterior


Doctor of Physical Therapy

B.S. in Kinesiology

Doctor of Physical Therapy

B.A. in Neuroscience

Serratus Anterior Schematic1  3: SA Superior part  4: SA Intermediate part  4: SA Inferior part

Serratus Anterior Schematic1
3: SA Superior part
4: SA Intermediate part
4: SA Inferior part

Serratus Anterior (Right lateral view)1

Serratus Anterior (Right lateral view)1


1-9th ribs1


  • Superior part: Superior angle of Scapula (costal and dorsal surfaces)1
  • Intermediate part: Medial border of Scapula (costal surface)1
  • Inferior part: Medial border of Scapula (costal surface), Inferior angle (costal and dorsal surfaces)1


The Serratus Anterior is solely innervated by the Long Thoracic N. (C5, C6, C7)1


  • Entire muscle: Draws scapula laterally forward, elevates ribs when shoulders are fixed1
  • Superior part: Lowers the raised arm1
  • Inferior part: Rotates inferior angle of scapula laterally forward (allows elevation of arm above 90°)1


The Serratus Anterior (along with the rhomboids) serves to aid in scapular stability during arm elevation2

Superior View of the shoulder: You can see how the rhomboids and SA both actively stabilize the scapulothoracic joint by pulling the scapula towards the thoracic wall2

Superior View of the shoulder: You can see how the rhomboids and SA both actively stabilize the scapulothoracic joint by pulling the scapula towards the thoracic wall2


  • SCI
  • peripheral nerve injury
  • Nerve root?
  • botox?

Functional ramifications

Gilroy AM, MacPherson BR, Wikenheiser JC, Voll MM, Wesker K, Schünke M, eds. Atlas of Anatomy. 4th ed. Thieme; 2020.
Dutton M. Dutton’s Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention. 5th ed. McGraw Hill Education; 2020.


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